Sunday, September 11, 2011

Give No Oppurtunity

Ephesians 4:27
"and give no oppurtunity ro the devil."

Do not place into Satan's hand the chance to trip you up. This verse is talking abut how to properly be angry without being destructive. Are you the type of person who keeps anger inside until you blow up? Pretending nothing is bugging you until some small annoyance flips you over the edge? I am the queen of frustrated blow-ups, of the you-don't-understand, I hate this or that, and I can't believe you's! When I am not understood or when someone doesn't nip my frustration in the bud by recognizing it, it has caused mass chaos in my life and relationships.
Something I learned recently is that I should speak up. Not rudely, or harshly, or even out of frustration but in love, with patience, and kindness. When someone angers me, I need to go to the person who is (or appears to be) responsible. It's a hard thing to do. I feel that warm rush of blood, that nervous panic, the voice that tells me that I'm being ridiculous. One thing that is vital to understand is that you are an important person (this isn't a self-esteem pep talk). God gave you a mind that thinks and a heart that feels. Your thoughts and your feelings matter becuase your life matters to the Kindgom of God. This was a hurtle that I needed (need) to overcome in order for any relationship to grow deeper. If I don't do the confronting the anger won't magically go away and Satan will take his golden opportunity to create all sorts of problems. Problems that hinder me, hurt others, and keep God from working through me.
I need to be more consistent in NOT giving the devil opportunities to cause resentment in me by dealing with things right away.

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